Wake Culture: Brad Smeele Story
Wake Culture: Brad Smeele Story
By now, the story of professional wakeboarder Brad Smeele from New Zealand has made it's rounds pretty significantly throughout the wake industry and beyond, garnering support from people the world over. Brad has been a monument in the sport and is one of the nicest dudes out there, so it's little surprise to see so many people rallying around him as he deals with recovery from his serious injury back in July.
If you don't know the full story, you can read up on it
here: http://elevatedclothingco.com/pro-wakeboarder-brad-smeele-brad-smeeles-recovery/
here: http://elevatedclothingco.com/pro-wakeboarder-brad-smeele-brad-smeeles-recovery-update/
and here: http://elevatedclothingco.com/wake-culture-pro-wakeboarder-brad-smeele-recovery-update-2/
In recent weeks Brad was transported from the ICU to his rehab center where he is working with all of his heart towards a full recovery. It's going to be a long and hard road for him, but he's already showing slight signs of improvement which brings all of us hope.
It was an amazing moment at the Wake Awards to see Brad win Best Trick of the Year and accept his award via FaceTime. It was even more amazing to see Brad on the big screen addressing the audience and telling a small piece of his story.
One thing is for sure, we're all praying for and rooting for Brad to recover, and we believe that with the Grace of God and Brad's incredible will/determination we'll see wonderful things happen.
Check out Brad's story on the news this Sunday, on TVNZ.
If you would like to donate to help Brad in his recovery, you can do so at his foundation: Brad Smeele Foundation
Additionally, ELEVATED Clothing has teamed up with WakeWell Minsitry to bring you a #staystrongbrad t-shirt of which the profits will go to his foundation.
Shop Here!
Thank you all for your support and continued prayers. Stay Strong Brad!
Post by Sunday TVNZ.