nursery wall decals
Brighten up your childrens room with nursery wall decals
In the modern age, chemicals used in a variety of products -- including nursery room paint & decors -- can send parents into a frenzy. Nursery wall decals may look oh-so-nice and fantastic, but the question is, are such products made of stuff that may impair babys breathing? Keep in mind that what you dont know may hurt your child. Remember also that once youve installed wall decals, they may stay there for months or years, so its best to use quality, non-toxic materials. We recommend this nursery wall decals Canada Shop.
Before sticking cute little animals, candy, trees, hot air balloons, alphabet letters, cute & colorful creatures and storybook characters in your childs room, see to it that the wall decals are made of baby-friendly material. Its not enough to find nursery wall decals with lovely design and show promise of holding up quite well. They should also be safe for tots. Babies can be fragile and their body systems are still developing, so an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure.
Nursery wall decals come in several types. Theres the vinyl wall decal, and theres the fabric type (not like fabric used for clothes, though) made of non-toxic, phthalates-free material. An adhesive thats water-based also has its merits. So opt for PVC-free wall stickers made of lead-free ink.
Choosing wall decal suppliers with a non-toxic product range is ideal. Moreover, quality and baby-safe wall decals will most likely not tear or wrinkle easily. A complaint that some wall sticker users have is that parts of their decal end up sticking together when theyve started the installation. For a hassle-free application, choose decals that wont even require squeegee or transfer paper. Just peel away the wax paper and start applying on desired spots in your home.
There are made-to-order nursery wall decals in the market now that can stick on most surfaces. If you strive to maintain an eco-friendly home, or simply want something thats best for your tykes, wall decals made of reusable polyester-based media may be right for you. Moreover, such quality decals look like theyve been painted on the bedroom wall.
Some good design ideas for non-toxic wall decals for your growing childs room are alphabet squares with cute things representing each letter; collection of trucks (for a little boy); little mermaids (for a girl); space adventure design; Noahs Ark with animals; and many more. You can check out stunning designs suited for boys or girls from this large removable wall sticker selection.