Wakeboarding gains momentum with Austin BabeShredder competition!
BabeShredder, the social movement for female board sport athletes, held its largest competition August 8 at Quest ATX cable park in Austin, Texas. With sponsorship from Hyperlite, Rockstar, KIND Snacks,
Elevated Clothing and City Surf Fitness, hundreds of spectators came out to cheer on the female riders. Six cash prizes were awarded to winners followed by a sponsor raffle and social hour at the park.
The event was equally impactful in encouraging advanced and beginner riders to progress their skills. BabeShredder is a movement, said founder, Ash Hannig. Our events inspire passion, encouragement and learning amongst female riders to increase interest and participation in board sports. Stay tuned, BabeShredder has big plans in the works for events and activities coming up next season, she added.
Photos provided by Murphy Raine Photography.
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