23 Mar
Bli Bli Groms Talk About Their Love Of Wakeboarding As many of you know, Australia has been booming with ELEVATED since last July. Brent Trapp, director of operations with ELEVATED Australia sent us along this fun little video of all of the groms at Bli Bli Wake Park sitting around talking about their love of wakeboarding and then going out and shredding. It's always fun for us at Elevated Clothing to come across random media content showing off our brand from around the world. We're stoked on all of these guys!
next in line from Ria Dani on Vimeo.
22 Mar
Christian Forssten My Naga Wakeboard Edit Christian Forssten has been one of those riders on the ELEVATED Wake Team who, while hailing from Sweden, has never let himself or his exposure be confined to the borders of Scandinavia. Christian constantly puts in work to bring his riding out to the world and travels as often as he can to ride in exotic places. With that in mind, it's no wonder he's consistently dropping sick edits for our viewing pleasure. This time it's "My Naga" from his trip to CWC Wake Park in 2016. Don't speak Swedish? That's okay, we're pretty sure you'll understand the title from watching the video, seeing Christian ball out on his board, and paring that with the lyrics of the soundtrack. Like the shirts that Christian is wearing? Check them out below the video and pick one up. Christian certainly is... "My Naga" for this one. -Machi Block ELEVATED
16 Mar
Hey Guys, Go and give our friends @timwlyons a follow on youtube. They've built and are building a great channel about a day in the life of a group of active friends. As you can see by their channel trailer below, you'll get a variety of goodness and plenty of reason to subscribe, follow, and enjoy.
If you want to learn how to get 1000 fsp out of your go pro, or see the beauty of travel, check out the video below or more on the channel.
11 Mar
Svetlana Bilyalova Rocks ELEVATED Svetlana Bilyalova, otherwise known as @svetabily on instagram, has a staggering 3.1M followers and is perhaps one of the the most gorgeous girls on the web. At the very least, she's done an amazing job building her brand and image, while keeping things classy and lighthearted. We're stoked to announce that we've been able to collaborate with here while she's visiting here in Los Angeles, getting a vacation from that Russian Life. Earlier this week, after a few emails back and forth with her amazing manager back in Russia, we were able to link up with her team here in Beverly Hills and get her a care package of the softest, most comfortable shirts she's every worn (Elevated) and some of the finest champagne on the market (LeMedaillon). What resulted was one of our favorite pictures ever. Don't get me wrong, we've got lots of favorite pictures, our athletes and brand reps do an amazing job consistently, but there's no mystery in why this one would
8 Feb
Malin Overby Wakeboarding A Love Story Elevated Athlete Malin Overby is not only an amazing wakeboarder, but she's an avid world traveler as well, which conveniently goes hand in hand. Growing up in Sweden, she now spends her time shredding in Australia as home base, and traveling everywhere else she can possibly go to ride in the mean time. With over 11,900 fans on her Facebook Athlete Page: @Malin Overby, she's definitely attracting some attention and eyeballs, and it's not hard to see why. Malin just released her latest edit from traveling around to various cable parks in Asia. Titled: "Wakeboarding A Love Story" you'll get to see just what makes Malin such a well-rounded athlete and why she's now part of the ELEVATED Family thanks to ELEVATED Australia.
4 Feb
Morning Music Video: Everyone loves a little musical inspiration to start off the day and get their ear drums pumping. Put that beat in your step today and stand tall. Well keep it fresh for you, pulling from a variety of musical styles across the globe. For the most part well keep it relatively underground so you can get exposed to new artists. Let us know what you think of the music in the comments below. Got a suggestion? Respond with a link. THIS IS Canadian Artist BLOW_FLYY || Remix version of his video MY WINGS WILL TAKE ME || from his album called || ITS LIKE I GOT A SET OF WINGS ||.ON Itunes NOW!!.. BLOW_FLYY Official Page.. An interesting Canadian hip hop artist with a promising career. Blow_Flyy can be seen performing consistently and always working on his art.
27 Jan Elevated Skate. Shred Life Alert ! New skate video from North Hollywood's own Richard Cooper, a Layfette skate park local skater with killer talent and passion, and a dope sense of style it looks like. He's shown here utterly ripping up the DGK kayo store skate park in the Elevated Clothing co "Streetwear 2" tee. Just a little something to let L.A know we're here, and this is just the beginning of what's to come. Elevated skate promo video 2016
21 Jan
here is the amazon link to the product.
20 Dec Shred culture lovers rejoice ! we have some footage here from one beast of a snowboarder in Denis Leontyev ,St Petersburg Russia's own champion of urban snowboarding who doesn't seem to be planning on slowing down anytime in the near future, and with multiple trophies and accolades to his name along with a catalog of jaw dropping footage why would he want to anyway ? Bringing incomparable style and flare to the snowboarding scene is something Leontyev prides himself on, that coupled with effortless execution and good music makes for one hell of a highlight reel. With such a good year now behind him one can only wonder how he'll be able to top it next year. one thing is for certain we will definitely be watching. Denis Leontyev Bear mtn. 2015 highlights
15 Dec Kendrick Lamar crashes wedding : what would you do if a world famous platinum selling artist popped up at your wedding uninvited ? An unsuspecting couple was met with that experience a couple weeks back when kendrick lamar showed up at their wedding unannounced and made himself comfortable, partying with the guests and laying down some very current dance moves i might add. Someones' grandpa did not seem too pleased about it unfortunately and stumped the rappers crew with the question "who got married" prompting an awkward exit.