
  1. Know God- Easter Morning Inspiration

    It's Easter Morning family. This is the highest Holy day for Christians all over the world. But many Christians, and non-Christians alike have no idea of the actual importance of Easter. We know it's "A day to reflect,"... We know that we say to people things like "He is Risen," and they respond "He is Risen indeed." We know that this day represents the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. But do we know that it's more than a day of representation? How many of us let it sink in that this day, Easter, is not merely a day of representation, but a day of true hope? A day of Remembrance. When we reflect, remember, and study, that on this Easter day nearly 2000 years ago, the God who created us in love, who made us in His Image... The God who stepped into the world to live amongst us, (Who took on flesh and bone and lived a sinless life amongst His creation to give them(us) hope, direction, instruction, and light) rose from the dead. That's not some mystical thing that Christians

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  2. The Cross - Billy Graham's Message to America

    Well Fans, it's Sunday and we thought it appropriate to share this little gem of inspiration. Whether you consider yourself spiritual, religious, or not at all, chances are pretty high that you know who Billy Graham is and have probably heard at least parts of his message. Over the last half a century, Dr. Billy Graham has had an incredible impact on culture both in America and around the world. His overarching message of God's love for you, the Gospel of Christ, has reached millions throughout his years of service. The following video has been called Billy Graham's Last Sermon, being delivered at the ripe old age of 95. Billy is still alive and well, but this is a pretty nice high note to end his ministry on. Its packed full of hopeful stories and rapper Lecrae even makes an appearance to give his testimony. So even if you aren't Christian or don't consider yourself particularly religious,

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